
Pandemic Cleaning Protocols: How We Sanitize Your Home During Covid19
pandemic cleaning protocols

The pandemic has brought with it the idea of a ‘new normal’. Before and during the pandemic, however, one thing remains the same.

The desire to keep our families and communities safe.

Even with the still rapidly rising number of coronavirus cases, this safety begins and centres in the home. It is our sanctuary and fortress. But rampant misinformation has threatened the safety of our homes.

Recent studies have shown that the coronavirus can remain in the air for up to three hours, on cardboard surfaces for up to 24 hours, and on plastic and stainless steel for up to three days.

Forming and maintaining home pandemic cleaning protocols are essential to maintaining the safety of your home.

Why You Need Cleaning Protocol 

The main reason: it’s recommended by the Public Health Agency. Most health agencies recommend sanitizing high traffic areas in your home at least once a day.

During shutdowns and quarantines, homes were protected from the influx of the virus. With re-openings, families were able to start returning to a semblance of normal life, but this also came with the increased chance that the virus would find a way into our sanctuaries.

Your home.

Establishing and maintaining a set of coronavirus cleaning protocol helps to make maintaining the safety of your home easier by making it into something routine—a part of your daily ritual.

What should your home protocol include?

Safe Home: Home Pandemic Cleaning Protocols 

There is a difference between cleaning and disinfecting. While both are necessary, some cleaning products do not have the ingredients needed to kill the coronavirus. This is the centre of your house cleaning protocol.

First, you must clean the surfaces of your home using a cleaning spray or warm soap and water. Wipe down the surfaces with a washcloth.

High-frequented spaces include:

  • Table surfaces
  • Cupboard knobs
  • TV remote controls and game controllers
  • Bathroom counters
  • Bedroom counters
  • Toilets (seats and handles)
  • Mobile devices
  • Light switches/switch plates
  • Faucets
  • Refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, and microwave handles
  • Staircase railings

These surfaces should then be sanitized with a disinfectant. Disinfectants include:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Disinfecting wipes (Lysol, Clorox, or store brand)
  • Disinfecting spray (Lysol, Clorox, Purell, etc.)
  • Isopropyl alcohol

When the disinfectants are used, they should be allowed to dry for a least 10 minutes to ensure that it works properly.

With the changes brought on by the pandemic, life can be a bit hectic. Maintaining the cleanliness and sanitation of your home can become overwhelming.

Hiring a professional cleaning service that offers pandemic cleaning services can help lighten that load and maintain the flow of your day-to-day home activities; Rapid Home Service offers residential cleaning services and commercial cleaning services.

Your Happy Home During the Pandemic 

Our homes are the place where we find our peace and relaxation. They’re our anchor, and our personal havens. The pandemic has led to an increase in the time we spend in these havens.

We can keep our homes safe and secure by implementing pandemic cleaning protocols. We can help our communities and our world by caring for our homes and families.

Contact us today to find out how COVID cleaning services can help you fulfill that mission.



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