
How to Declutter a House Fast: In 5 Easy, Practical and Sensible Steps
declutter house fast in Markham

We all want a tidy home and a clean space to live, work, and play. However, even with the best intentions, clutter tends to build up constantly, mainly due to that we are often too busy to address the untidiness directly. If you are busy and your home is untidy or messy, you will want to work towards decluttering your home fast.

Perhaps you have a zoom call that you have to attend soon. Or maybe your relatives will be visiting your house within the next hour. Whatever the the situation, this short article is about getting decluttering your home in the shortest amount of time possible, while not having an impact on your busy schedule.

How To Declutter A House Fast

An untidy house, obviously, does not look the best, and can actually affect your mental health too. So, it pays to keep a clean and tidy space.

In a minute, we’ll get into how to declutter your home quickly, but it is also a good idea to have a long-term cleaning plan. Outsourcing your house cleaning and/or commercial cleaning will make your long term cleaning plan much easier to maintain, help you towards better mental health, and give you a sense of self satisfaction.

Here are the five steps for decluttering your home efficiently, in a short amount of time.

#1: Determine The Most Important Area

Start with what you feel is the most important area in your home. If you’re having dinner guests, this might be the kitchen and dining area. If you want some peace and quiet while working at home for the day, this might be your home office.

Whichever area is the most crucial for today, start decluttering there, and don’t worry about the rest.

#2: Throw Out The Trash

Not all of your clutter should be considered trash. However, it’s existence in any amount will generally make the room look worse than what it really is.

Throw out unwanted receipts, packaging, junk mail, and other things that tend to accumulate. This is a quick and easy way to begin the process of decluttering.

#3: Clear All The Surfaces

It is amazing how having clean tabletops and other surfaces makes a room more appealing. We tend to pack clutter onto available surfaces.

If you’re looking for a quick way to declutter, just take everything off all the surfaces and then deal with it. Even if it’s a temporary fix, it will be worthwhile.

#4: Sort Items 

Once you’ve gotten everything off the surfaces, you will have to put it somewhere. Since this is a quick fix, you don’t need to decide what to do with everything immediately. However, take some time to organize the items. It’ll help your decluttering cause.

Having two bins is helpful.

Put everything you know for sure that you want to keep in one bin, and anything else that you’re not sure about, place in another bin.

This isn’t the time to make the tough decisions. Just go with your gut instincts.

This quick decluttering process doesn’t have to be a full Marie Kondo experience. Remember, you are short on time, and working towards decluttering fast.

#5: Sweep Or Vacuum

All that remains is the floor.

Clear and remove all the toys, shoes, and whatever else is on the floor, and give the floor a quick sweep or vacuum. Even though this is a quick decluttering job, it will look many times better than when you first started.

Declutter Today And Plan For Tomorrow

Now that you’ve seen how to declutter a house fast, make a plan to keep a clean house on an ongoing basis.

Contact us for more information about our professional residential cleaning services and commercial cleaning services and/or request a cleaning estimate.

A clean home is a happier home!



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